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The Back Story

In order to fully understand what NeuroCohesion™ is, it may help to know a little bit about me.  First of all, I am a walking holy both/and.  I am a NERD! Because #scienceisreal and studying how the brain functions and how the world works is one of my FAVORITE thing to do (full disclosure though, I have a lot of favorites)!  AND, I am a MYSTIC.  I am drawn toward the mysteries of life, the unknowns, the infinite potentials of the universe, ...#magicisreal.  Hence the tag line, SCIENCE, MAGIC, ALCHEMY.   I also love to share.  I have known for a long time that I was put on this planet to share.  It is my greatest joy.  And as we know, our joy and our desires are the emotions of following our soul path.   And so I began to listen deeply and ask for guidance.  How can I best serve humanity through my pleasure and my joy??

Over the last many years, I have learned so many modalities and earned an uncountable amount of certifications trying to find the "one" thing that would address it all.  What I found was that every one of those trainings had something amazing about it, but it worked better when I combined it with other modalities or technologies.   

And so, I created this course with three ultimate goals.  The first was to create a training program that is deep and comprehensive, giving the practitioner tools to work with root causes of “dis-ease”.  This requires understanding the 5 Bodies of Consciousness, how we get sick, and how we heal, how energy medicine works, why it works, and how to apply those skills to our clients. 

The second goal was to make this training accessible.  The world of training in energy medicines can cost thousands and thousands of dollars, I know, I have spent them!!  My goal was to create a program that I could offer at an affordable investment so that we can have more practitioners in the world doing great work helping themselves, their families, friends and clients.  

And finally, I wanted to create a program that would work for both the individual work we do with our clients but that also could be applied to groups.  I believe that the future of medicine will bring us back to the ancient beliefs around community healing and how important and effective it is.  This program is designed to teach you how to work with group healing so that you can expand your reach, your income, and your success.

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Laura Cardwell

creatrix, collaborator, enCOURAGEr, pleasure activist, life long learner, and professional giggler

For years, clients and colleagues have been asking me to teach.  I love teaching but it was hard for me to teach the modalities that I had learned.  Mostly because it is difficult to get trained to teach them.  I would try to send people to trainings but they are often inconsistent, require thousands of dollars, and can be quite difficult to find.  For a while, I was even involved in trying to create a school that would offer all of these trainings under one roof.  That too became complicated and expensive.  But, what I learned from all of this is that I am a synthesizer.  I love to learn and then I love to consolidate it with other teachings and then share it.  So after years of training in multiple modalities, diving deep into Quantum Physics, neurology, energy medicine and coaching, I am proud to offer my new course, NeuroCohesion™ Practitioner Training.  

Alchemical Coaching

Interested in working with me one on one?  Visit to schedule now!

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